March 31, 2019
I started out this morning with the biggest pancake stack and a relaxing coffee moment with my best buddy, who I got to spend the entire day with. Auburn MBB made it to the Final Four and, even though I taught yoga through the entire game, I still booked it to Toomer's and got a good lung-full of toilet paper dust. I taught my last yoga class of college today and am so thankful for the experience over the past 4 years. Post to come on my reflections about what that experience has taught me (this is called accountability, where I write things down and share them so I have to do them).

April 1, 2019
Today I had a test and we are just checking them off the list at this point! A test taken today is a test I don't have to take tomorrow (this means more now that I'm graduating). I set up a (read: Cory send me his premade) budget so that I can be hyper-aware of my spending habits..not always the most fun this but SO necessary for someone looking to travel long-term like moi. I also had time to film a video exclusively about the ACE study guide for sale on my website (here's the link to that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WysG_-JNNI&t=1s and the link to the guide https://www.emilywoodswellness.com/e-books).

April 2, 2019
I was so thankful today for the time to get an early start studying for one of my last huge exams of college; I have gathered one thing over 4 years of this stuff and it's that starting early is key. I got to teach my favorite private yoga session today after a week off and that is always refreshing for my heart and my bank account.
April 3, 2019
The weather today was sunny and gorgeous and the flowers all over this town are still in full bloom. I cooked a yummy and different dinner for Cory and I; I get the MOST joy out of cooking for other people. I think it might be my love language. I also got to enjoy a shopping trip with some friends that I don't see often enough.

March 4, 2019
I got to spend the evening with the most special people cooking dinner for all of the church kiddos. There were so many good chats to be had, as there always are with this crew. I love them. I love connected, real conversations with people who put up no front, they are just themselves and they are kind and open and loving with their words. These are the conversations that fill you up.

April 5, 2019
After a relaxed morning, I got to enjoy the best on-campus lunch with my sweetest Mal! I was grateful for a productive afternoon and a chill but powerful lift in the gym. Strong body, stronger mind.
April 6, 2019
BIG study day today. I haven't had a good study-all-weekend moment in a while but it's strangely comforting? I'm learning to find joy in the positive and negative aspects of college before it's all over and today, that meant staring lovingly at the mitochondrial inner membrane. Sis had her first coffee today (pretended to like it, actually hated it) and I was blessed by study time with her. In the evening, I enjoyed lots of puppy love and more studying. I sold several guides this week, one on this day, and am coaching myself to appreciate every drop in the bucket and to not undercut myself on small accomplishments: I made that thing, people are buying it, that's pretty neat.
Thankful for it all.